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Place, Space and Inequalities in Early Childhood Education and Care
Sabine Bollig, Magdalena Joos 
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (Special Issue)
(to be published)


Place, Space and Beloning in ECEC – a German perspective
Magdalena Joos, Nadja Schu 
(to be submitted)
Border Spaces and Inequalities in ECEC seeing through the German-Luxembourg Border in a conceptual and empirical way
Sabine Bollig 
(to be submitted)
Practical Conceptions on the Impact of Place and Belongingness in Tackling Inequalities in Early Years
Nadja Schu, Magdalena Joos
(submitted, under review)
Boundary Work as a conceptual tool to understand configurations of informal/forma/nonformal education for tackling educational inequalities
Sabine Bollig, Helena Kliche
Supporting Student Teacher Learning Through Research-Based Teacher Education Curriculum
Auli Toom, Jukka Husu 
Coherence in European Teacher Education: Theoretical Models, Empirical Studies, Instructional Approaches
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-43721-3
Challenges Faced by Pioneering Practices Tackling Educational Inequalities in Europe
Ivan Tokheim, Solvejg Jobst, Espen Søreide Dyngeland
(to be published)
Janus-faced discourse in contemporary Norwegian policy framing for tackling educational inequality? A critical analysis of contemporary tensions and contradictions
Joakim Jensen, Jan Skrobanek, Solvejg Jobst
Policy Futures in Education
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/14782103241235720
Geographical Constraints and Upper Secondary Track Choice: Does Distance to Schools Prevent Students from Entering School-Based Programmes?
Robin Benz
(to be submitted)
Examining Relative Age Effects in a Tracked Education System
Robin Benz, Tobias Ackermann
(to be submitted)
Disadvantaged by Chance? Examining the Persistence of Relative Age Effects on Educational Achievement
Robin Benz, Tobias Ackermann
(under review)
Regional Variation in Participation in Private Tutoring and the Role of Education System Features
Robin Benz
(under review)
Neuordnungen des Räumlichen zur Bekämpfung von Bildungsungleichheiten
Sabine Bollig, Selina Behnke, Florian Eßer, Judith von der Heyde, Sylvia Jäde
Territorial Inclusivity: A Space-Related Comparative Analysis of Inclusive Practices of Early Childhood Education and Care in Hungary and Germany
Borbála Lőrincz, Sabine Bollig
Concept Paper: The evolution of policy approaches to educational inequality in Hungary and Lithuania
Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Borbála Lőrincz, Hanna Siarova
Equity in Education & Society
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/27526461241256967
Struggling for Equal Access and Success: Disability in European Higher Education
Katri Kleemola, Andreas Hadjar, Christina Haas, Heidi Hyytinen, Tarja Tuononen, Justin Powell, Auli Toom
Comparative Education
Educational inequality: The long-term impact of school composition on track placement and academic performance in Luxembourg
Ineke M. Pit-ten Cate, Taylor Kroezen, Martha Ottenbacher, Aigul Alieva, Andreas Hadjar, Juliette E. Torabian, Frederick de Moll, Antoine Fischbach
Integrative secondary school in Switzerland: The MOSAIK model and its potential for reducing educational inequality
Anja Winkler, Angela Aegerter, Andrea B. Erzinger
(to be submitted)
School Composition and Academic Achievement: The Case of Russian-Medium and Polish-Medium Schools in Lithuania
Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Taylor Kroezen, Hanna Siarova
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00207152241269793
Can transformative practices change school outcomes? A case study from Norway
Maria Sundfør Kråkenes, Jan Skrobanek, Solvejg Jobst, Ivan Tokheim, Espen Søreide Dyngeland, Hilde Hjertager Lund
Challenging Pupils: Positive segregation for the sake of inclusion?
Dyngeland, E. S., Jobst, S., Kråkenes, M. S., Tokheim, I., Skrobanek, J.
The impact of school social composition and neighborhood social mix on upper secondary exam performance in Ireland
Emer Smyth, Merike Darmody
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
(accepted; to be published)
Participation in shadow education and academic performance: A comparison of upper secondary school students in Ireland and Germany
Robin Benz, Merike Darmody, Emer Smyth
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00207152241266791
Explaining intersectional inequalities in students? sense of belonging in education across the educational path and across educational contexts
Katri Kleemola, Auli Toom, Heidi Hyytinen, Tarja Tuononen, Irem Karacay, Taylor Kroezen, Irena Kogan, Aigul Alieva
Gender segregation in Education. Focus on horizontal gender segregation in a cross-country and cross-cohort perspective
Marie Valentova, Anne Hartung, Aigul Alieva
Informed discourses to tackle educational inequalities: three premises to articulate the Spanish agenda
Alejandro Montes, Susana Vazquez & Carlos Alonso
(under review)
Inequality in participation in shadow education in mathematics: a comparative, multidimensional and intersectional perspective
Irem Karacay, Audrey Bousselin, Robin Benz, Merike Darmody Emer Smyth, Irena Kogan
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education
(to be submitted)
Facilitating Agency in Norwegian Pupils Struggling to Stay in School? an Alternative Approach to Emancipatory Education
van Tokheim; Solvejg Jobst; Espen Søreide Dyngeland; Maria Sundfør Kråkenes; Jan Skrobanek
Frontiers in Education
doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2024.1355806
Schools Have a Mandate to Equalize Social Inequality? Teacher Practice in an Equity Policy Context («Skolen har jo som mandat å utjevne sosial ulikhet» – lærerpraksis i en utjevningspolitisk kontekst)
Lamin André Kvaale-Conateh, Solvejg Jobst
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk
doi: https://doi.org/10.23865/ntpk.v10.5830


Academic and Moral Obligations in Teachers? Work and Teacher Education
Auli Toom, Jukka Husu
Religion and Worldviews in Education
doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003265696-15
What is educational inequality? Divergences and continuities in the major educational reforms in Spain
Carlos Alonso Carmona, Albert García-Arnau, M. Susana Vázquez-Cupeiro 
Education Policy Analysis Archives
doi: https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.31.8021
Resilience of education systems: what lessons can be learned from Ukraine?
Aigul Alieva, Iryna Nechitailo 
NESET ad hoc report
School segregation, student achievement, and educational attainment in Hungary.
Zoltán Hermann and Dorottya Kisfalusi 
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00207152231198434
Competence and Mastery in Practice: On Participation, Responsibility and Believing in Your Own Abilities
Grethe Nina Hestholm
Journal of Education and Pedagogy
doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/23644583-bja10041
Embedded concepts: Comparative analysis of the meaning of education policies
Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Hanna Siarova
Przegląd Krytyczny
doi: https://doi.org/10.14746/pk.2023.5.2.2
Competence and Mastery in Practice: On Participation, Responsibility and Believing in Your Own Abilities
Grethe Nina Hestholm
Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy
doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/23644583-bja10041
Problems and paradoxes regarding social equalization in Norwegian education policy (Utjevningspolitiske problem og paradoks i fagfornyelsen)
Lamin André Kvaale-Conateh
Norwegian Journal of Sociology
doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/nost.7.3.3
Higher Education Expansion & Labour Income Inequality in High-income Countries: A Gender-specific Perspective
Petra Sauer, Philippe Van Kerm, Daniele Checchi
LIS Working Paper Series
(to be submitted to a journal)
School segregation, student achievement, and educational attainment in Hungary
Zoltán Hermann, Dorottya Kisfalusi
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00207152231198434
WP5 Report for Swiss Stakeholders (Ansatzpunkte zur Reduktion von Bildungsungleichheiten in der Schweiz. Eine Analyse der Stakeholderperspektive)
Anja Winkler, Angela Aegerter, Andrea B. Erzinger
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.48350/180550
A systematic review on empirical literature on segregation of educational institutions and its consequences in Finland
Katri Kleemola, Heidi Hyytinen, Tarja Tuononen, Auli Toom
International Journal of Comparative Sociology
doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/00207152231219930
Forskjell som føresetnad for utvikling. Ein refleksjon over praksis/teori-dualismen i ljos av filosofien til Luce Irigaray (Difference as a condition for development. A reflection on the practice/theory dualism in light of the philosophy of Luce Irigaray)
Grethe Nina Hestholm
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/tfk.47.1.4


PIONEERED: Elaborating the link between social and educational policies for tackling educational inequalities in Europe
Andreas Hadjar, Aigul Alieva, Solvejg Jobst, Jan Skrobanek, Alyssa Grecu, Irina Gewinner, Frederick de Moll, Auli Toom
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18753/2297-8224-183
Oktatási egyenlőtlenségek, iskolai mobilitás és az oktatási rendszer átalakulása Magyarországon az 1980-as évektől napjainkig
Lőrincz Borbála, Antal-Fekete Emese
In Társadalmi Riport 2022
doi: https://doi.org/10.61501/TRIP.2022.11

Fact Sheets

Project Deliverables

State of Research Report – Definitions, Conceptual Approaches, Empirical Findings
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Methodological Guidelines: MILC Framework for Measuring Inequalities and their Intersectionalities
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Policy Brief – Policy Formulations towards an Equitable Education
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Comparative Analysis Report – The Evolution of Concepts, Definitions and Prioritisation of Vulnerable Groups in Public Policy Documents
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Report on Stakeholders` Knowledge about Current Practices Tackling/Reducing Educational Inequalities in each Country
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Working Paper – Existing Programme- and Non-programme-Related Pioneering Practices Tackling/Reducing Educational Inequalities from a Comparative Perspective
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Data Harmonisation Guidelines
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