Meet the experts: researchers, practitioners and stakeholders
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- Meet the experts: researchers, practitioners and stakeholders
Andreas Hadjar
Professor of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Research
University of Fribourg
Auli Toom
Professor of Higher Education
Centre for University Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki
Heidi Hyytinen
Professor of Education
School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, University of Eastern Finland
Jean-Marie Wirtgen
Observatoire National de l’Eenfance, de la Jeunesse et de la Qualité Scolaire
Kathrin Kraft
Servicepoint KitaEltern Hessen (NGO for Parent Participation in Education), Büro für Soziale Kommunikation (Germany)
Katri Kleemola
Centre for University Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki
Liyuan E
Doctoral researcher
Centre for University Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki
Norbert Ganter
Gesamtleitung Bildungshaus Lurup,
Ev.Stiftung Alsterdorf,
Bildungshaus Lurup,
Kindertagesstätte/ GBS,
Susana Vázquez-Cupeiro
Associate Professor of Sociology of Education
University Complutense of Madrid
Susanne Backes
Luxembourg Centre of Educational Testing
(University of Luxembourg)
Tarja Tuononen
University Lecturer
Centre for University Teaching and Learning, University of Helsinki
Publications, Fact Sheets, and Project Deliverables
Prevalence of Intersectional Inequalities
Pioneering Policies and Practices
Inventory of policy interventions aimed at tackling educational inequalities
Practical Implications and Recommendations
Meet the experts: researchers, practitioners and stakeholders

The PIONEERED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101004392.