Practical Implications and Recommendations
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- Practical Implications and Recommendations
General concluding recommendations
Katri Kleemola and Auli Toom
In the previous chapters, PIONEERED country teams have given targeted recommendations that are especially relevant in each country’s context. However, any recommendation can be relevant in other contexts as well, so the reader is recommended to look at the country-specific recommendations beyond their own country.
Four general level concluding recommendations stood out based on the elaboration of promising and pioneering policies and practices in different country contexts and based on the country-specific recommendations. The recommendations are:
- Research on educational inequalities shows that it is a complex and context-specific phenomenon. This is an important point for any policymaker and practitioner to understand when they are planning new initiatives: the complex contextual realities need to be taken into account.
- Policymakers and practitioners need to ensure that every student has the opportunity to complete educational trajectories, without educational dead ends, offering financial and educational support to disadvantaged groups.
- Identification of the need for new policies and practices tackling educational inequalities needs to be evidence-based. Evaluation needs to be embedded in the life cycle of a policy or practice. During the PIONEERED project, many country teams encountered the fact that evidence on the efficiency of a policy on practice was often scarce.
- Resources need to be considered when any new policy or practice is initiated. There needs to be a critical evaluation of the number of teachers and other educators needed. Furthermore, financial resources need to be secured, and sufficient knowledge and skills of the professionals involved need to be addressed.
Find the country-specific recommendations by clicking flag of the country of interest.
Publications, Fact Sheets, and Project Deliverables
Prevalence of Intersectional Inequalities
Pioneering Policies and Practices
Inventory of policy interventions aimed at tackling educational inequalities
Practical Implications and Recommendations
Meet the experts: researchers, practitioners and stakeholders

The PIONEERED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101004392.