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Pioneering policies and practices tackling educational inequalities in Europe
With the EU-funded research project PIONEERED, we are striving to promote educational equality in Europe. By determining research-based policy measures and identifying pioneering policies and practices, we will aim to mitigate inequalities in formal and informal education settings. Most importantly, the PIONEERED project will take into account the diversity of inequalities, countries, educational stages and involved actors and the need for customised solutions.
Aiming to provide policy and practice recommendations to counteract educational disparities at different stages of education successfully, the multi-method project will:
- Develop an innovative methodological framework by reviewing the current state of research
- Analyse how national (or regional) policies address inequalities and vulnerable groups
- Conduct practical research in (in-) formal educational settings
- Examine data to identify intersectional inequalities throughout educational careers
Further measures to reduce educational inequalities and to foster inclusion in schools in European countries can be found here:
Publications, Fact Sheets, and Project Deliverables
Prevalence of Intersectional Inequalities
Pioneering Policies and Practices
Inventory of policy interventions aimed at tackling educational inequalities
Practical Implications and Recommendations
Meet the experts: researchers, practitioners and stakeholders

The PIONEERED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101004392.