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  • About the Project

Educational inequalities persist in European education systems. Complex contextual and individual factors drive these disparities.

The EU-funded PIONEERED research project analyses the origins of educational inequalities and strives to identify pioneering policies and practices that improve access to, uptake and completion of education.

PIONEERED aims to add to a comprehensive understanding of educational inequalities to successfully mitigate disadvantages in education.

PIONEERED involves all parties in relevant educational settings. All project results will be made available on the open-access PIONEERED web platform.

Our Approach

Multilevel approach

PIONEERED takes into account the range of educational inequalities at different levels – from the larger social/political context to the institutional level and the more individual level of everyday educational practice.

Life-course perspective

PIONEERED focuses on all educational stages, from early childhood education and care to higher education.


The PIONEERED research teams focus on the link between educational disparities and learners` individual characteristics as well as the intersections between these axes (e.g., working-class boys).

The consortium of the PIONEERED project reflects both the mixed-method nature of PIONEERED as well as the heterogeneity of countries and the different stages of educational trajectories. Partners from nine countries – Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain and Switzerland – have been chosen on the basis of their expertise on the study topic and on educational systems across Europe and in the selected countries. Of particular interest is the contrast between the more inequality-prone countries of Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg and Switzerland with the less inequality-prone countries of Finland, Norway, Lithuania, Ireland and Spain.

Expertise in the following areas

  • Sociology
  • Educational science
  • Economics
  • Social Policy
  • Political science

The consortium encompasses university research institutions, non-university research institutions, and agencies that support research and facilitate linkages between research and stakeholders.



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