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The University of Helsinki was established in 1640 and today covers most fields of study, making it a comprehensive, research-oriented university. In most global university rankings, the University of Helsinki ranks in the top 50-100. It combines research with teaching and is in constant contact with the surrounding society as well as with the global academic community. The University of Helsinki is a versatile institution for science, education, and intellectual renewal in Finland, a pioneering builder of the future. The Centre for University Teaching and Learning at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki conducts research on higher education, enhances research-based teaching and evidence-based academic development, and provides courses on university pedagogy to staff members at the University of Helsinki. The Centre is a unique resource for the systematic research-based development of teaching and learning at the University of Helsinki. Three Full Professors, 19 senior lecturers (equivalent to Assistant or Associate Professors), post doctoral researchers, PhD students, and training coordinator work at the Centre. The multidisciplinary research conducted at the Centre focuses on learning, teaching, learning environments, and practices in higher education. Therefore, the Centre cooperates closely with pedagogical experts across the universities nationally and internationally. The Centre has succeeded extremely well and was awarded due to its merits in the international evaluation of research and doctoral education at the University of Helsinki in 2012. The Centre supports field-specific development efforts in all campuses and plays a strategic role in institution-wide changes at the university.
Main Tasks in the Project
The UH Team will contribute to all WPs in the project and bring their expertise in higher education and teacher education as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods to the project. The UH Team has also extensive expertise on research ethics and integrity, and thus, the team will contribute on the data management plan and ethical conduct of the research in the whole project (WP1, WP8). The team will ensure that the Finnish data sets and contextual expertise will benefit the best success of the comparative international project (WP3, WP4, WP5). The UH Team will particularely contribute on the data analyses, analyses of best pioneering practices (WP6), disseminating the results in a variety of ways both in terms of the project, and publishing results and communicating the project results for a variety of audiences (WP7). The UH Team has good networks both nationally and internationally through its affiliation and position in the field of higher education, and this allows them to work effectively.
Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE)
P.O. BOX 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 1A)
00014 University of Helsinki
Main Contacts
The PIONEERED project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101004392.