Inclusion4Schools International Conference – Community-centred Approaches and Practices in Education

28 Nov 2023 — 29 Nov 2023 

Budapest, Hungary

We’d especially like to draw your attention to Session 2: “Pioneering Policies & Practices Tackling Educational Inequalities in Europe” on 28 November from 4:30 until 6:00 pm and Session 5: “The practitioners of inclusion; science for society navigating barriers and inverting disparities” on 29 November from 2:00-3:30 pm.Come find us at CEU AUDITÓRIUM, 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 15.

 20th CIMQUSEF International Conference on Quality in Education

14 Nov 2023 — 16 Nov 2023 

Marrakech and virtual

The 20th edition of CIMQUSEF is held in hybrid mode under the theme “Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): a pillar in strategies for education transformation”. PIONEERED’s Juliette Torabian will give a keynote speech on “Understanding SEL from an intersectionality perspective of inequalities: lessons from a European H2020 research project”.

 ECSR Annual Conference 2023

18 Sep 2023 — 20 Sep 2023 

Prague, Czech Republic

The European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) will hold its next annual conference in Prague, the Czech Republic, between 18 and 20 September 2023. The meeting will be hosted by the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Faculty of Arts, Charles University. The theme of the conference is “European Societies in Times of Uncertainty”.

 ECER 2023

22 Aug 2023 — 25 Aug 2023 

Glasgow, United Kingdom

ECER 2023 will take place on the Gilmorehill Campus of the University of Glasgow in August 2023. Keynotes and other events will focus on “The Value of Diversity in Education and Educational Research.” Overall, this conference aims to address the many different forms of diversity in educational research, be they conceptual, contextual or methodological, and explore the creation of a wide range of practices within and between each. Find out more about how PIONEERED partners are participating in the event here:

 EARLI 2023

22 Aug 2023 — 26 Aug 2023 

Thessaloniki, Greece

The 20th Biennial EARLI Conference is hosted by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Macedonia, Greece. Participants are encouraged to present results and ideas on state-of-the-art research in learning and instruction, specifically around the topic “Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times”.

 10th IEA International Research Conference

28 Jun 2023 — 30 Jun 2023 

Dublin, Ireland

The IEA International Research Conference (IEA IRC) is an international forum for researchers working with IEA data to exchange ideas and information on critical educational issues.

 29th International Conference of Europeanists

27 Jun 2023 — 29 Jun 2023 

Reykjavik, Iceland

 XX ISA World Congress of Sociology

25 Jun 2023 — 01 Jul 2023 

Melbourne, Australia

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology will focus on how sociologists worldwide can (and do) contribute to the understanding of resurgent authoritarianism and analyze the new entanglements of religions, politics, and economies. It will also focus on how sociologists engage (physically and critically) in the formidable social movements we are witnessing today in different parts of the world and in a renascent civil society. PIONEERED’s Aigul Alieva (Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); Institute of Education and Society, University of Luxembourg), among others, will take a closer look at the “Intersectional Approach and Inequality of Educational Opportunity” in an oral session during the conference.

 ECASS Final Conference

15 Dec 2022 — 16 Dec 2022 

Barcelona, Spain

 EARLI SIG 18 Conference 2022

05 Sep 2022 — 07 Sep 2022 

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

PIONEERED’s Robin Benz and Simon Seiler from the Interfaculty Centre for Educational Resesarch (ICER) at partner University of Bern are presenting a paper at this year’s EARLI SIG 18 Conference. The topic: “Effects of school segregation on educational achievement along the educational trajectory in Germany”. The conference will take place at the University of Education, Freiburg im Breisgau in southern Germany.

 UNESCO World Higher Education Conference

18 May 2022 

in-person and online

This week, the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022 takes place. In her talk on 18 May, Dr Juliette Torabian (University of Luxembourg) will ask: Is higher education doomed with inequalities?

 IV Colóquio Internacional de Ciências Sociais da Educação

12 May 2022 — 14 May 2022

Braga, Portugal



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